Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Older Person (CHAOP)

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Update your knowledge and clinical assessment skills with comprehensive health assessment education and training.

Delivered by La Trobe’s Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC), this workshop is an opportunity to update your knowledge and skills while adding to your hours of continuing professional development (CPD).


Group pricing available. 


Key facts

Course category
Nursing and Midwifery, Nursing, Patient and Aged Care

Please submit an enquiry to express an interest or to request further information.

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3 consecutive days at your metropolitan Melbourne facility. For alternative locations, please request a quote.
Group Bookings
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Registered or enrolled nurse
Certificate of Attendance

Why do this course?

La Trobe University is offering workshops on Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Older Person (CHAOP) for nurses from all healthcare sectors, who provide care to older people.  Held at your aged care facility or health service, the workshops involve three days of interactive, hands-on skills development, aided by simulation mannequins, and includes eight modules covering: clinical reasoning, general assessment, musculoskeletal, cognitive, perceptual, psychosocial, nutritional, cardiovascular and respiratory assessment and communication of assessment.   


All participants will receive a comprehensive resource manual which includes the eight health assessment modules, links to other resources and a copy of all the presentation slides.


Our facilitators are nurse educators who have excellent clinical experience in a range of health care settings. They are also experienced in teaching comprehensive health assessment to nurses across the health sector. One of our facilitators will come fully equipped to your facility or aged care service to deliver these workshops.  Alternatively, La Trobe can assist with providing a venue.


The fee per person is from $750 (inc GST), depending on your location, and workshops are limited to 20 participants to optimise the learning.   


For further information, visit the Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care workshop page or contact us:

T: +61 9479 6607

Why study a short course at La Trobe

Industry experience while you study

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Rising demand

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Powerful Collaborations

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Course content

Topics for each day include:

Day 1:  

  • Introduction
  • Clinical reasoning and general assessment skills
  • Communication of assessment and professional issues
  • Musculoskeletal assessment

Day 2:

  • Nutrition, metabolism and elimination assessment
  • Cardiovascular assessment
  • Respiratory assessment

Day 3:

  • Cognitive and perceptual assessment
  • Psychosocial assessment
  • Revision.

 Please note this course is excluded from the alumni discount offer.

You’ll learn:

Enhanced skills and knowledge to conduct a comprehensive health assessment of an older person:

  • as an initial baseline
  • as a follow up for when there are known risk factors
  • as a focused assessment, which consists of a thorough assessment of a particular problem where some assessment data already exists
  • in response to an emergency or following a transfer from another health service
  • for improved assessment and care planning and care delivery to older people. 


Your study experience

All sessions will be presented live, with the sessions recorded for participants who are unable to attend.

Over the four weeks, you’ll be encouraged to engage with our academics and other students through a range of materials and learning forums.

Your study commitment will be approximately 1.5 hours per week of in-class engagement, plus an additional hour of independent work.

To receive a Certificate of Completion to submit towards your annual CPD hours you will be required to meet activity and participation requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Find out more about further education at La Trobe  View all FAQ

I would like information about a short course. Who can assist me?  


Phone: 1300 135 045

I have paid the fee for a short course. When will I be able to access it?  

On completion of your registration, you'll be provided with an account on our Learning Management System (LMS) and the course material will be made available at the advertised date, or as outlined on your registration confirmation email.  For our on-demand courses, access will be immediate.

What payment options are there?

  • You may arrange to pay by BPAY or EFT
  • For group bookings, we encourage purchase orders.  Contact us for a quote, and upon receipt of your purchase order we can make the course available to you.
  • Unfortunately, we are not able to arrange instalment payments.

Contact us on for assistance. 

Can I arrange payment with a Purchase Order?

Yes, we accept Purchase Orders. Please email to and our La Trobe Professional team will provide you with payment details and access to your course. 

I am getting an error when I try to log into my LMS account. Can you help? 

  • The first thing to check is your order confirmation email - it will contain your Learning Management System (LMS) account and password.  Note that this account may not be the same as your staff, student or previous short course participant account. 
  • The second thing to check is that you're logging on as a short course participant and not as a student - choose 'Other Users' - select Short Course as your institution and use your account and password as provided.

If you need any assistance, contact us on 

I want to enrol multiple staff in a short course. How do I go about this? 

Contact so that we can discuss options with you.  

What certification will I receive?

The type of certification depends on the assessment involved in the course. For example:

  • Microcredentials:  You will receive a digital credential that confirms the skills you’ve acquired, any assessments you’ve completed and potential pathways for credit or advanced standing towards a degree. 
  • Other assessed short courses:  This may include bridging programs or courses that prepare you for external certification from a professional body.  You might receive a certificate of achievement or a digital badge (a digital version of a certificate of achievement).
  • Non-assessed courses:  If a course doesn’t involve formal assessment, you’ll receive a certificate of attendance.
  • Single-subject enrolment: If you enrol in a single subject, you will receive an official transcript for that subject.

Please note that short courses or microcredentials are not formal qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework but may be eligible for consideration as advanced standing (credit) towards a degree.

What is a microcredential? 

Microcredentials are short courses that are assessed, carry academic credit, and to deliver specific skills or knowledge.  While they can be taken as standalone courses, many are designed to be combined or ‘stacked’ with other microcredentials to form the equivalent of a subject within a degree program.  Upon successful completion, you’ll earn a digital credential that outlines the skills and credit obtained, and any opportunities for stacking.

For La Trobe microcredentials, any advanced standing or stacking pathways are clearly expressed on the course page.   

What is advanced standing?

Advanced standing refers to credit for prior study or formal learning that can be credited towards a qualification, thereby reducing the number of subjects required to complete a course. For short courses or microcredentials (if these have been completed through recognised institutions or platforms and are deemed equivalent to La Trobe University subjects), credit may be granted either for specific La Trobe subjects or as unspecified credit towards elective requirements of a La Trobe course.

For La Trobe microcredentials, any advanced standing or stacking pathways are clearly expressed on the course page.   Upon successful completion of the course, you’ll receive a digital credential, which may be used when applying for credit for the relevant degree at La Trobe.

For more details, visit the University’s advanced standing web page.